A Huge Push Forward

Last month, Emily traveled back to Baltimore for two very important events. Her family home in Ednor Gardens was sold after thirty-five years. Emily helped her family pack up the last of the boxes and said goodbye to the neighborhood where she was raised (and of course put mics on everyone and ducked behind a camera as often as she could!).

Also that week, Emily brought the first cut of the film to an incredible group of people at the Annie E. Casey Foundation who work in social justice, education, and racial justice. The response was resounding encouragement, and it was an incredible experience to witness firsthand the affect that the film has on a room. The discussion that followed was intense and productive. Even in this none-too-polished form, the film inspires a level of engagement that is exactly what we are aiming for. When asked by the group what was needed to finish the film, Jan Rivitz of The Straus Foundation pledged $15,000 on the spot. And there is talk of more support from the Casey Foundation directly!

In the meantime, this generous grant from the Straus Foundation (and our ability to stretch every last dollar) will fund our next push of editorial, bringing us very very nearly to a final cut. After that, we are on to music, archival footage, and rights – the end is so close we can taste it.

What an honor and privilege to have come this far, and it is only with your support that we are here today. Stay tuned over the next few months as we race towards the finish line!