Every single dollar you can give has an immediate, tangible impact on this film.  We urgently need another $10,000 to finish our edit, and we need your help!  Please consider making a tax-deductible donation to this project before year’s end.  All donations over $100 will receive a signed copy of the final film.

To make a tax-deductible donation to the project via credit card or Paypal, please visit please visit our IDA Fiscal Sponsorship page.

Or by check or money order to:

International Documentary Association (or IDA) with “American Village” written somewhere on the check, preferably on the memo line.

Attention: Fiscal Sponsorship Coordinator
1201 West 5th Street
Suite M270
Los Angeles, CA 90017

Or, you can donate directly to us, and save us the 5% sponsor fee, either through paypal…

Or by mail (for direct donations, you can make the check directly out to us):

Mary Posatko or Emily Topper

c/o Emily Topper
1439 Murray Drive
Los Angeles, CA 90026

6 thoughts on “DONATE

  1. Wow! The film looks amazing. The trailer brings back lots of memories…… sad remembering that time and the loss of Mr. Selhorst…….it was quite unbelievable! Berta, you look great!
    Looking forward to the documentary…… of luck to all!
    Nancy Hall

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